Addressing Gender Wage Gaps in Healthcare: Insights and Recommendations

Event Location


Join Hennepin-University Partnership for a webinar with Dr. Janette Dill on April 16 at 11:00 a.m. Despite women representing 77% of healthcare jobs, disparities persist in terms of compensation and career advancement. Dr. Janette Dill will discuss the stark realities of gender wage gaps among healthcare workers in the United States, exploring the pervasive gender inequity within the healthcare sector and shedding light on the underlying factors and implications. Moreover, she will offer actionable policy recommendations aimed at fostering gender equity within healthcare organizations, including advocating for gender equity reviews and prioritizing women in managerial roles.

Presenter Info

Dr. Janette Dill

Photo of Dr. Janette Dill


Janette Dill is an Associate Professor in the Health Policy & Management Division in the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota and the Deputy Director of the Consortium for Workforce Research in Public Health. Her research focuses on job quality and career mobility among the health care and public health workforce. Her research has been published in top public health and social science journals, including Health Affairs, Medical Care Research and Review, and Social Science and Medicine, and her research has been supported by the National Institute on Aging, the Health Resources and Services Administration, and other state and federal agencies.