Barriers to housing, housing instability and homelessness

Event Location


Join us for a presentation on housing instability and homelessness. Stuart Grande, PhD, MPA, of the School of Public Health will present findings on chronic homelessness and barriers to secure housing, the complexity of targeting supportive measures, and the importance of tailored and context-driven interventions.

When: Tuesday November 15, 1 to 2 p.m.

Where: Zoom


Presenter Info

Stuart Grande


Stuart Grande is a Senior Lecturer and Director for the Public Health and Administration Policy Master of Public Health Program. He works as a medical sociologist with a deep interest in the social and behavioral factors that contribute to health inequities. His current research and teaching considers the collaborative benefits of novel technologies on patient-provider communication. He applies principles of community-based participatory research (CBPR) with innovative models of health communication like shared decision making (SDM) to improve the way individuals, families, and clinicians engage with health and the healthcare system.


Stuart Grande