Dr. Teddie Potter Presents - Planetary Health

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As the consequences of climate change and other environmental crises amplify across our world, understanding humanity's interconnection within the ecosystem provides a framework for effective action. Planetary Health is a transdisciplinary field and social movement that advocates for people to work together on a shared vision of moving toward a healthy planet.  Dr. Teddie Potter, Director of Planetary Health for the University of Minnesota School of Nursing, introduced Planetary Health into the health sciences curriculum at the university and continues to partner with organizations like the Planetary Health Alliance at Harvard, the Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education, and Project Drawdown to reduce greenhouse gasses and improve human health. Join us to hear about Dr. Potter’s paradigm shifting work and to learn how framework shifting can assist in achieving climate goals.

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Dr. Teddie Potter

Dr. Teddie Potter is deeply committed to climate change education including co-founding Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate, membership in the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments, and chairing the American Academy of Nursing Environment and Public Health Expert Panel. She is a member of the steering committee for the Planetary Health Alliance and has been recently appointed to the National Academy of Medicine's Action Collaborative on Decarbonizing the US Health Sector.